How it all began...
After about year of experimenting with the making and mixing of many different polymer formulas and various mould configurations, the initial prototype feet were made in 2016 and sent out for industry testing. We reached out to some of the biggest names in the music scene to see if they would like to help us on our journey and Fabric was the first major club we contacted about our turntable boots. After numerous sound checks and different bass levels in Fabric’s Room 1 the testing was completed with great success – so much so that Fabric still use our MK ULTRA ® products from turntable isolation boots to bass speaker feet. Fabric also used and tested our products at the LoveboxFestival in London with equally positive results.
Just to be sure we got it right the next company we approached was Funktion-One, the global leaders in speaker system design and sound systems for major festivals, outdoor events and clubs around the world. Our MK ULTRA ® boots were sent to their HQ to be tested along with a new product for extra isolation… our ‘Slab Feet’. The Funktion-One sound engineers tested the turntable boots along with our Slab Feet, sitting the setup directly on top of a bass speaker playing flat out, with no bass vibration and no transmission feedback. We were then asked if we wanted to test our isolation boots at the 2017 Glastonbury Festival on the Glade Stage where Funktion-One had been asked back that year. We also ran further trials with our own 1200 turntables on many different rig setups, right up to a full-on 30K Funktion-One banging techno rig. Again with no feedback or vibration problems the tests worked out to be a great success.
DJ Industry feedback & reviews
Now armed with some great feedback from the sound engineers at Fabric and Funktion-One on how to make some further improvements to our MK ULTRA ® products, we moved forward to create the final mould shape and polymer mix. We set up a limited production run of the improved boots and decided to get the verdict from some pro DJ Industry reviewers before launching them for sale to the DJ market. We sent samples off to the most respected DJ industry reviewers DJWORX and DJCITY. The first set went to Matt at DJWORX who did the test, as we had earlier, by sitting a ‘MK booted’ deck on top off a bass sub at DJWORX HQ which you can see in the following clip…
Read the review on the DJWORX website
Another review was made by Mojaxx from DJCITY aka Chris. We contacted Chris about our turntable boots and sent up two sets for a test run. DJCITY have a great reputation within the industry for independent product testing and reviewing and are used by all the big names in the business. Chris had them for quite a while, testing them in all different environments before letting us know if he liked them. You can see the first review and his verdict on the turntable boots in the following clip…
The second review by Chris was for our new MKSTANDS PRO DJ SYSTEM – a flexible system which provides combined isolation for decks and mixers. The review is a hybrid from when Chris first got our MK ULTRA ® turntable isolation boots around 2 years ago and features the new PRO DJ SYSTEM. After having the boots for two years it was great to have an informed and honest review about our MKStands isolation products – see his latest review in the following clip…
With many of our turntable boots now successfully sold all over the world to DJs who still play vinyl in club environments, festivals, recording studios and home setups, our MK ULTRA ® isolation products are fast becoming the industry standard solution for the most sensitive turntable setups.